Health Advisory: 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines approved


BE AWARE that updated (2024–2025) COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and authorized by the FDA. The new formulations provide better protection against currently circulating COVID-19 variants. For more information, see:

DISCONTINUE USE of the 2023–2024 Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. These formulations are no longer authorized by the FDA.

  • Immediate action for remaining inventories: 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States and should not be administered. To minimize risk of vaccine administration error, providers should:
    • Remove any/all 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccines remaining from storage units immediately.  
    • Once all inventory is fully accounted for, delete 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine listings from the available vaccine inventory in your Immunization Information System, as applicable.
      • Providers should return or dispose of these vaccines using the normal process for returning spoiled/expired vaccines in the IIS. 

BE AWARE that there are two types of COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for use in the United States: 

BE AWARE that availability of the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccines remains limited and varies by location. Refer patients to for information about accessing updated vaccines.  

If you need guidance on ordering updated COVID-19 vaccine, please contact Kitsap Public Health by emailing



  • Call: 360-728-2235 and leave a message. Includes reporting notifiable conditions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Leave the patient’s name, date of birth and disease. 
  • Fax: 360-813-1168. 

This advisory is also posted on the health advisory page of our Provider Resources website,