Actions Requested:
- Consider participating in a Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Primary Care Learning Collaborative. The learning collaborative will address both best clinical practices and developing clinical systems to support an MOUD program in a primary care clinic setting. The opportunity is open to healthcare organizations who want to begin offering MOUD treatment or who want to improve existing services in their primary care setting.
The Six Building Blocks Opioid Management Program provides an evidence-based quality improvement roadmap to help primary care teams implement effective, guideline-driven care for their patients using long-term opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain. The improvements fall into six key work areas, or “Building Blocks”:
- Engaging leadership and securing consensus
- Revising policies and standard work
- Tracking patients on opioid therapy for chronic pain
- Planning for visits and providing patient-centered care
- Developing resources to care for complex patients
- Measuring success
The learning collaborative will begin in January 2022 and coaching runs through the life of the project (August 2022). Comagine Health, in partnership with Public Health – Seattle & King County and the Washington State Department of Health, is recruiting up to 6 healthcare organizations to participate in this learning collaborative.
The learning collaborative will involve two one-hour learning sessions per month. These sessions will include both didactic education and shared learning among participants. The sessions will also include recommended activities for in between sessions to further learning and facilitate personalization of content to each clinic. In addition, there will be a learning collaborative listserv to foster communication and peer-to-peer learning.
If you are interested in this opportunity or would like to learn more information, contact Hannah Carmichael Hannah.Carmichael@doh.wa.gov or Maria Klemesrud at sixbb@comagine.org.
- Comagine Health: https://comagine.org/
- Washington State Department of Health Opioid Resources: https://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Opioids
- Kitsap Public Health Syringe Services Program website and data: https://kitsappublichealth.org/CommunityHealth/hs_exchange.php