Actions Requested
- Participate in a virtual meeting this Friday July 16th, 7:30-8:00 am with Governor Jay Inslee and WA State Secretary of Health Umair A. Shah to learn about:
- Power of Providers initiative around COVID-19 vaccination and referral
- SAVE (Screen, Ask/educate, Vaccinate, Empower) approach
- Commit to assessing vaccination status and promoting vaccination status throughout your office and at every clinical encounter and vaccinating your patients when they are ready.
- Join the Microsoft Teams Live event using the following link: https://tinyurl.com/45evvv57
- Questions: Call the Health District at (360) 728-2235
From the Health Officer
Dear Kitsap Healthcare Providers,
Our community needs you to attend this meeting Friday, July 16, 7:30 – 8:00 am, hosted by Governor Inslee and Secretary Shah and commit to fully engaging in the critical process of educating and vaccinating our many community members who are willing to be immunized by you alone. We need you to actively promote vaccinations throughout your office and beyond and be able to acknowledge and address your patients’ questions and concerns. Most of all, we need you to vaccinate them on site, in your offices, when they are present and ready.
This rapid mutating virus continues to evolve into more transmissible and aggressive new variants, but this process and the disease itself will be slowed and ultimately stopped if we can get more people vaccinated now. We need to go big, go fast, and go strong to get this job done, and we need your help urgently to make this happen. Please attend this important meeting and commit to helping our community finally emerge from this devastating pandemic.
Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do!
Gib Morrow, MD
(1) Washington State Department of Health Vaccine Information for Healthcare Providers: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/HealthcareProviders/VaccineInformationforHealthcareProviders
(2) Kitsap Public Health District Vaccine Information and Data: https://kitsappublichealth.org/communityHealth/Covid-19/CoronaVirus_Vaccine.php https://kitsappublichealth.org/CommunityHealth/EpiData/EpiDataCOVID19VaccineDemographics.php