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In week ending November 16, local indicators for COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remained minimal. Regional laboratory surveillance and regional emergency department surveillance are beginning to detect increasing RSV activity in the Puget Sound area. Elevated pertussis activity is also being reported throughout Washington State.
Fewer than 10 emergency department (ED) visits were attributable to influenza or RSV, and there were no emergency department visits attributable to COVID-19 detected. Kitsap sentinel reporting labs reported 9 positive COVID-19 tests (2.3% of specimens tested), 7 positive influenza tests (6 influenza A, 1 influenza B; 2.3% of specimens tested), and 3 positive RSV tests (2.5% of specimens tested).
On average, fewer than 10 hospital beds at St. Michael Medical Center were in use per day for COVID-19 or influenza patients.
At Kitsap long-term care facilities, there have been two COVID-19 outbreaks reported in the past four reporting weeks, and no influenza outbreaks.